Success Stories

The Best I’ve Felt in Years!

For over 20 years I have struggled with digestive issues and weight management. Recently, I heard about The Leptin Diet™ and contacted Wellness Resources to learn more about it. Since reading the book, following the diet and adding Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Stress Helper®and Leptinal® to my daily regime, I feel the best I have in over 20 years! The health experts that answer the phone have been extremely helpful in recommending the appropriate supplements for my health needs and have even spent time giving tips to me about The Leptin Diet™. I am thrilled with the results -- I have already lost a noticeable amount of weight in a month and highly recommend the diet and supplements to anyone who wants to feel good and enjoy life to its fullest! Thank you Wellness Resources. You have been such an amazing support for me!
Sincerely with a grateful heart,
Marge M.

Amazed with The Leptin Diet®

I have been following the Five Rules that Byron lays out in The Leptin Diet® book for a few weeks and amazed at the results…truly amazed! As a well-known and well-educated business, which I've had a relationship with for 20 years, I truly and foremost trust your opinions. Thank you for your insights. Keep on with what you're doing - I'm a good testimony that the science does indeed work! Thank you so much.
-- T.F.

Excellent Article

Please let Mr Richards know how great his article DHA, Krill Oil & Green-Lipped Mussel – Which is Best? is. I have always had my doubts and am now confident fish oil is the best! EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS ARTICLE! Thanks again!
-- Steven

Very Impressed

Thanks a bunch for all the useful information! I am a new customer, who has been taking the Leptin Control Pack®. I am really impressed with the customer service as well as the product I am receiving from Wellness Resources®. Thanks!
-- D. Davis

Love Your Website

Thanks for a most informative natural health website! Your website is excellent and well-written!
-- Sharon

Feeling Wonderful

For years I have not been able to walk or do any strenuous activity from body aches. Since taking Thyroid Helper® and Iosol Iodine I walk well without any soreness! When I go to the grocery store I no longer have to ride a scooter! I feel like a new person! Thank you.
-- Christine V.

Quality and Service

I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your service and quality! I received my package the other day and was impressed with how high quality your supplements are. I ordered the immune support products GI Soother™, Monolaurin and Quercetin. I also appreciate the lovely catalog and other materials you sent me. You have a first class operation and I will be a continuing customer. Thank you!
-- Johanna R.

Great Swine Flu Podcast and Articles

Thank you for such clear explanations about why the swine flu scare is occurring and for putting it all in perspective! I have sent links of your articles and Podcast to all of my friends.
-- Kathy W.

Great Customer Service

All of the staff at Wellness Resources is so helpful and kind. Your customer service is excellent!
--Lori G.

Great New Website

Your new website is fantastic! It is easy to navigate, comprehensive and very user friendly. Thank you for the information you provide.
-- I. L.

Wellness Resources is a Vast Resource for Great Health Information

The information on your site is EXTREMELY important and vital and necessary in today's time. Your focus on thyroid, iodine, leptin, weight and related issues is necessary, as these issues are at the crux of so many related health problems. People are beginning to get informed and helped. This information needs to continue to be spread. Thank you all.
-- Jane C.

The Leptin Diet Changed My Life

I have been on so many diets in my life that I can't remember not being on a diet. So when I saw information about The Leptin Diet on the internet I was skeptical.
About a year later I decided to get the book and read it...I thought one more book wouldn't hurt. Little did I know that Mastering Leptin would become my health "bible" and The Leptin Diet would change my life! I have been on The Leptin Diet for 6 months and have lost a lot of weight so far. I feel better than I have in years and hope to be able to lose at least another 40 pounds.
Since starting the Leptin Diet, I have kept to the rule of eating only three times a day. Some of the changes that I have noticed are: I am able to sleep so much better, I wake up and don't feel groggy, I have so much more energy than I did before and I don't get tired in the middle of the day. This diet is the only diet I have been able to stay on. Every other diet I ever started failed within the first week.
Thank you, Byron, for taking the time to write about leptin and the way our body works and especially for making it so understandable to those of us not versed in science.
I also take many of the supplements, including the Leptin Control Pack® and use the Daily Protein Plus™ and LeptiFiber™. There is such a taste difference in your products...very clean and no unnecessary additives.
-- Susan C.

Great Results Following the Leptin Diet!

My wife and I bought Mastering Leptin 6 weeks ago. We immediately implemented The Five Rules of The Leptin Diet. We have already experienced dramatic results. My wife has suffered from digestive and bowel issues for 3 years now. She now sees improvements on a DAILY basis! I have long struggled with blood sugar regulation and heart health. I immediately started losing weight. This Thursday I had a complete blood work-up and every single marker was perfect -- including a reduction of triglycerides. I think this book should be required reading in every high school in America!
-- John & Mary J.

Feeling Better Already!

I purchased the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ and Blood Builder™ recently. I am very pleased with my increased energy level and my immune system is definitely stronger than ever. I purchased the Blood Builder™ because I am low iron which was causing fatigue, hair loss and rejection to give blood. After taking it for a month, those symptoms vanished and I am able to give blood again! Also, I used to get sinus infections, colds, stomach bugs - you name it. This last winter I didn't get sick at all. Thanks for making such quality products!
-- Marianne L.

Great Podcasts

Byron, I love your podcast; it is the best health podcast out there. I download it weekly and listen to it on my walks. I really enjoy it and learn so much. I wish you would do one everyday!
-- Jack M.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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