Success Stories

Losing Weight, Feeling Great

I've dieted for years and could never lose weight. As soon as I started the Thyroid Energy Package the weight began to melt off. I've never felt better! I've lost inches around my neck and have also lost belly fat in a month. Thank you! I couldn't be happier!"
-- Jerry C.

Brilliant Book

I read Mastering Leptin and I love this book -- it's brilliant! It makes so much sense and it is working quite well for me personally! Thank you for all your help!
-- Diane O.

Excellent Support, Excellent Products

Everyone at Wellness Resources has been so very helpful to me. I purchase a myriad of supplements throughout the year and am probably your #1 customer! It is because of Wellness Resources that I am able to live comfortably with an inflammatory issue I have. I am so grateful to all of you. Thank you!
-- Iris H.

Quality Products, Knowledge and Service!

I called in to Wellness Resources expecting to place an order and WOW, your team really took me under their wing. They listened to my concerns, answered my questions, provided great products and set up a FREE Personal Wellness Program that allows me to follow-up with my very own Wellness Specialist. I am incredibly impressed with your superior products, great knowledge and unparalleled service!
-- Shannon W.

Thrilled with the Thyroid Energy Package

Following the Leptin Diet® and supplementing with the Thyroid Energy Package has had a wonderful effect on my thyroid and energy levels! I have been sharing with all of my friends and family what high-quality supplements you have. I am thrilled, thank you!
-- Sheree M.

Renewed Energy with Thyroid Helper

I feel 100% better since taking Wellness Resources® Thyroid Helper®! I can do things now that I couldn't before -- I am so enthused and my energy is just soaring. I feel like a new person!
-- Christine V.

Improved Energy and Sleep

I feel so great since taking Thyroid Helper®! I have tried so many things in the past with no relief. This is the first product that has actually improved both my energy and sleep! I also love the Pine Nut Oil. It has worked wonderfully to reduce hunger between meals to help me follow The Leptin Diet®! Thank you!
--Tracy M.

Great Information, Quality Supplements

Thank you for providing such high quality supplements! The information you provide on your website and in your e-newsletters is so helpful -- I value them so much!
-- Ruth M.

Eye Health Improved with Daily Protector™

My husband has been taking Daily Protector™ for over two years for eye health. Recently he went to visit his ophthalmologist, who was impressed by my husband’s results.
-- Bernadette R.

DHA - Clearing the Air

I just read your article DHA, Krill Oil & Green-Lipped Mussel – Which is Best? - describing the difference between the three oils. Great article! Thank you for clearing the air!
-- Laurie M.

Quality and Customer Service

I always knew you had wonderful, high quality products, but your customer service confirms how great a company you really have -- from an operations and customer service view. I really appreciate the professional and friendly interaction I have had with the entire Wellness Resources Team.
-- Douglas H.

Love your Daily Protein Plus™

I just love your protein and have been using it for years! I never get sick of it! The Daily Protein Plus™ is great; I can mix it with anything. I’ve tried other proteins and Wellness Resources’ is definitely the best. It has a nice taste without the chalkiness those others have. I blend a smoothie every morning with ice, juice and fruit. I just love it!
-- Mary L.

Re-Energized with Thyroid Supplements

I have thyroid issues and have been taking Thyroid Helper®, Iosol Iodine, Leptinal®, LeptiSlim® and Cinnamon Plus™! I absolutely cannot live without Thyroid Helper® and recommend it to everyone I know that has thyroid problems.
I am so glad to have found something that really works for my thyroid. Thank you!
-- Virginia L.

Warmed Up with the Thyroid Energy Package!

For 15 years I had felt cold all of the time. Since using Thyroid Helper®, Iosol Iodine and Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, I have experienced increased body warmth! Thank you!
-- Linda H.

Love Your FREE e-Newsletter and Products

After reading your articles over the past few years, I just wanted to personally thank you for providing such eye opening, quality, and up-to-date information, that is desperately needed for today's health conscious consumer.
I am impressed that all this information is provided for free. Meanwhile, others provide a pittance of info, put it in a newsletter and charge a ridiculous price for it. This tells me you truly have a passion to want to help us to stay informed and to avoid the pitfalls of Big Pharma and our fumbling FDA. Thank you again for all your efforts on our behalf. Keep up the good fight.
Also, I have tried some of your products and I am very happy with the results. Thank you for having sales on them, it really helps as most of us are on tight budgets in these times. Hope to try more of your products in the future.
-- Gail M.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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