Success Stories

Feeling Great Following The Leptin Diet

I can definitely tell that the Wellness Resources® thyroid supplements are really helping me. Last year I was so cold I had been wearing a thick wool sweater in August while everyone else was sweating. I started taking Thyroid Helper® and Iosol Iodine and felt better immediately! I am not as tired as I once was in the afternoon. The Leptin Diet® and your article Digestive Alert – Thyroid, Celiac & Candida have been great tools for me as well. So far I have lost a respectable amount of weight in a month since being on The Leptin Diet®!
I thank you both, Mary and Byron, for your site and may you continue to save lives.
-- Beth M.

Pain Free and Sleeping with RelaxaMag

I am so glad I found your website! A few weeks ago I began using RelaxaMag™ and it has not only helped me sleep, it has taken away my muscle tightness on my left side from shoulders to foot! I went through physical therapy for months but the tightness just wouldn't ever go away. I would wake up with it and go to bed with it. I am now pain free and do not need painkillers. I am so happy!
I plan to be a lifelong customer and share the news! Thanks!
-- April P.

Curbed Appetite with Pine Nut Oil

I ordered Pine Nut Oil and I must say it does work! I take it 3 times a day and it really helps curb my appetite.
Thank you for a great, safe product that actually does what it says it does!
-- Gina A.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Dramatically Improved Memory

My mother has experienced a dramatic improvement in her memory from taking the Wellness Resources® Acetyl-L-Carnitine daily. I am absolutely thrilled at how quickly both of us have noticed her improvements. She and I will take your supplements exclusively from now on!
-- Albert C.

Losing Weight with The Leptin Diet®

I read Mastering Leptin and thought it was great! It is the best book I've read on the topic of weight loss. I really felt I gained some understanding of the issues. Thank you. I started The Leptin Diet® one month ago and have lost a lot of weight thus far! I have been eating two protein shakes and one meal per day. I have not found it as difficult as I thought to limit myself to 3 meals and no snacking. I have also incorporated exercising into my new lifestyle.
Thanks again for Mastering Leptin and Daily Protein™, they have been very helpful.
--Janet L.

Supplements that Work!

I really appreciate the fact that you provide such valuable information on nutrition and supplements. I agree with you that they are vital to your health and well being. I have really felt a difference on your supplements Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ and Iosol Iodine…they actually work! I am so happy to have finally found reasonably priced, effective supplements from a company that genuinely cares about their clients. Thank you so much for everything you do.
-- Rose L.

Effective and Natural Vitamins

I have ordered a few of your products and love them! With the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Thyroid Helper® and Super Coenzyme B Complex™, I could tell a difference after only a few days of taking them.
-- Teoma C.

Wealth of Information

I just want to thank Byron Richards for so many things. First, the excellent quality supplements which I buy for my husband and myself. We are enjoying good health and can track our great responses directly to the supplements. We also appreciate the wealth of information provided in the emails, web seminars and on the web site. And then last I want to thank him for his RIGHT positions on matters of politics, our personal rights, access to knowledge and choice and health care.
Thank you
--Stephanie W.

Blood Builder™ Works Great

My sister had a hysterectomy and then her Hemoglobin was very low. She started taking Blood Builder™ and her Hemoglobin went from 6 to 11 in just 4-5 days. She was like the walking dead then 2 days later, bam a new person. It was incredible!
-- Rachael A.

Great Results with the Leptin Control Pack®

I am taking the Leptin Control Pack® and am very happy with my new energy level. Also, my eyebrows are growing in and the ridges in my fingernails have all but disappeared. I am very happy with the supplements!
-- Christine L.

Great Articles on Health Freedom

Byron, I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your article Obama Tries to Sneak Major Health Care Reform into the Stimulus Bill. I am so grateful that you watch out for us by staying up-to-date on nutrient research as well as health freedom. I truly value and appreciate your e-newsletter. Thank you.
-- D. Jones

Wellness Resources Supplements are Exceptional

I'll begin by saying that your products are exceptional and thank you for being a leader in health freedom. I have been taking the Leptin Control Pack® for about 3 weeks. I have noticed my cravings have lessened.
-- J.Farmer

Iosol Iodine Working Great

I originally purchased the Iosol Iodine for my 20 year old son; who stands 6'8" and weighs close to 300 pounds. Due to his size and the fact that he does not over eat I became concerned that he might have a thyroid problem. After a month, he tells me that he feels better, is sleeping through the night and has lost about a considerable amount of weight.
Recently, I bought the product for myself and my fiancé. I have notice that I'm not as cold and my mood has improved. I plan on continuing the use of the Iodine. Thanks to your website I was able to make a well informed decision.
-- Lori L.

Great Articles in Byron’s E-Newsletter

What a GREAT write up on Is Obama Bailing Out Big Pharma's Bursting Bubble? Likewise, the article The Failure Empire: Bob Greene... was most interesting. I came to you in September of last year. I started your recommended supplements and am most pleased in that I DO feel so much better! I am losing weight and I am so grateful that I feel so much better! Thanks!
-- M. Edwards

The Only Diet that has Ever Worked For Me!

The Leptin Diet is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I spent 20 years trying to figure out why counting calories and exercise weren’t working. I read The Leptin Diet book. It’s great! It’s very concise and a quick read. I finally lost the weight and have kept it off. The Leptin Control Pack® was also really helpful. I tell everyone I know that is struggling with weight about The Leptin Diet. Thank you for the great information!
-- Carolyn W.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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