Success Stories

Priceless Information

While reading The Leptin Diet, I felt like I was constantly checking off boxes, “yep, that’s me”. I found the book to be very insightful and it really answered the questions I had about my bad eating habits. I am so excited to know that my body can be reset. I now have the knowledge to mold my eating habits and lose the weight! Bryon J. Richards' analogy about the broken gas gauge is so true – we wouldn’t fill our car up when it’s ¾ full, so why do we continue to fill our bodies up when we are ¼ hungry? This book was an eye opener for me and I am so thankful to have found the way keep my eating habits on the right track!
-- Lauren K.

Great Results!

I have a sluggish thyroid and started taking a prescription thyroid medication. I didn’t notice much of a difference. I still had extremely low energy, muscle aches, foggy head and elevated blood sugar, all making me feel miserable. I found Wellness Resources® and started taking Thyroid Helper®. I feel great now! It helps my thyroid medication work better. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Thyroid Helper®, I don’t think I could make it through the day. Thank you!
-- Leila D.

What a great book!

I love the book Mastering Leptin! I recommend the book to every forum I belong to. I feel it is absolutely the best one out there! The 5 Rules of The Leptin Diet make perfect sense and something I have always intuitively suspected - even though I got sold on the 6-7 meals/day folly for so many years! I have suffered quite a few health issues due to the constant overeating - nothing major thankfully, but enough to make me take notice and decide that things needed to change.
My wife loves to study nutrition and at first she wouldn't even look at Mastering Leptin - thinking it was just another fad. I convinced her to look at it and now she can't put it down. She immediately started following The 5 Rules and lost belly fat within 6 weeks, something she had not been able to do.
Kind regards and thank you so much for the work you are doing!

-- Bret H.

Love Your Sleep Products!

Sleep Helper™ is great! I’ve been under a lot of stress over the past year and have had trouble sleeping. I take a couple of Sleep Helper™ during the day if I’m feeling anxious or stressed. For sleep, I take two Sleep Helper™ and two RelaxaMag™ at night, which has worked wonders!
-- Diane N.

One of the Very Best

Byron Richards' company, Wellness Resources, is one of the very best independent nutritional supplement manufacturers and retailers on the web. His products are made with extremely high-grade ingredients.
-- Mike Adams, Natural News

Feeling Great with the Thyroid Energy Package!

I have an underactive thyroid and have been so tired and sluggish, experiencing a lot of fatigue and very sensitive to cold. I started the Thyroid Helper®, the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ and the Iosol Iodine and am feeling so much better! I have more energy, have warmed up and have a clear head! Wellness Resources is so wonderful! Not only do you have great products, but you follow-up and really take care of your customers! I appreciate it so much, thank you!
-- Ione N.

Sleep Helper™ During the Day!

I am completely thrilled with the new Sleep Helper™! I have been taking it during the day and it has completely helped to soothe my anxiety and feel more in control. Thank you!
-- Valoree R.

Increased Energy!

I really like the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™! My energy has increased noticeably since taking it!
-- Darlene T.

Thyroid Improvement

The Thyorid Helper® is working wonderfully for me! I am feeling so much better! Thank you so much!
-- Debra T.

A Healthy and Happy Pregnancy

Thank you for your wonderful service! I am expecting to give birth any day now and I look forward to greeting this baby with great health and nutrition! I've taken Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Blood Builder™, DHA and Daily Bone Xcel™ throughout my very healthy and happy pregnancy and recommend them to all my pregnant girlfriends!
--Pamela H.

Wellness Resources® Supplements Give You Results

If you're looking for supplements that actually get results (i.e. they actually stop joint pain, reduce cholesterol or enhance cognitive function), Wellness Resources is the place to get them.
--Mike Adams, Natural News

Thank you so much for formulating Sleep Helper™!

I am a very busy business executive with a ton on my plate each and every day. At night I fall asleep fairly quickly, but on extra busy days, with a lot going on or “problems” to solve, I sometimes do not get into the deep sleep stages for as long as I need. It is like my mind is on my “To Do List” while I sleep. Ever since taking the Wellness Resources Sleep Helper™ before bed, I have been able to get more restful sleep. I wake up feeling great and ready to go!
I also take Sleep Helper™ during the day with the new Super Coenzyme B-Complex™ if I begin to feel stressed. This combo works really well, I feel calmer and focused and am able to handle situations without feeling agitated.
Thank you Wellness Resources! Everyone should know about this product!
-- Jessica G.

Podcast Fanatic!

Oh boy, first let me say how much I love! love! love! listening to your Podcasts! I come away from them feeling that I've gained so much knowledge and do appreciate what you are sharing with the world. In my opinion, people like you are the true teachers and leaders of health. I no longer listen to mainstream news stories and don't even listen to the news anymore. Thanks again for the Podcasts!
-- Joyce L.

Appetite Under Control with the Leptin Control Pack

I just wanted to let you know I am very happy with the Leptin Control Pack®. I really can't believe the changes I have been noticing! Within the first week was I didn't have those strong urges to snack in between meals. Horray!! I also noticed that my appetite is now more what it should be, by that I mean that I get hungry right around 5 hours after the previous meal. I get up around 7am, take my supplements and then eat breakfast. I eat lunch right around 12 noon.
I am eating healthy foods and I feel satisfied with what I'm eating and am not feeling hungry in between meals. Before starting the Leptin Control Pack®, my appetite was all over the place. It was awful! I was hungry all the time and battled horrible urges to snack all the time. I really can't believe what a difference the Leptin Control Pack® has made! Thanks again for all your help and support; I appreciate it so much!
-- Cathy P.

Thyroid Helper Has Made Such a Difference

I have to say WOW about your thyroid supplements! I was a military fitness instructor and my poor thyroid function forced me to leave that position because I could not maintain military fitness standards for body fat. It was embarrassing. I am so glad I read The Leptin Diet book. It led me to your site and to your amazing supplements. I've been taking the Thyroid Helper® for about 2 weeks now and I feel like I have more energy than I know what to do with! I've even finally started loosing the body fat that I've been fighting with for the last few years -- and I'm a fitness trainer with a strong background in nutrition and a medical student. I know all the right things to do and it was frustrating to fight stubborn fat that would not budge. Thank You!
-- Georgia H., NASM CPT, ABT

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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