Success Stories

Very Soothing

I LOVE GI Soother™! I buy this product 5 bottles at a time. It has been amazing for me, I have not used an antacid since I started using this. It is also very soothing to my digestive tract.
--Robert S.

Love Cardio Helper™

Wellness Resources® Cardio Helper™ is great. I can really feel the difference. I LOVE this product!
--Sharon J.

Love FFYH!

Thank you for offering the book Fight for Your Health on the web site! This is vital information for all Americans.
--Laura S.

Loved Byron on WCCO

I am so disappointed that Byron is no longer on WCCO radio. I called the station to let them know how I feel and told them that we all listened, learned and are healthier because of Byron’s advice. I also want you to know that I use the GI Soother™ for my cat and she no longer vomits after eating and is now gaining weight. Another example of how wonderful natural support is, even for our pets!
--Vera G.

Love Byron's Health Freedom Work

I loved Byron on WCCO and miss the show. For those of us living in rural Minnesota, Byron was our pipeline to natural health. Byron’s information was unbiased and truthful. I can’t wait to read the book Fight of Your Health®. As someone who used to work for the pharmaceutical company I can tell you first hand how corrupt they are. We were told to promote drugs that we knew had horrible side effects but were told not to say anything! Needless to say I am no longer part of that world. Thank God for people like Byron Richards, who has the courage to let the public know this important information!
--Mary T.

Quick Recovery

I am very thankful for Wellness Resources® supplements. I had surgery due to cancer and my doctors were amazed at how quickly I healed using your products. I thank God for leading me to Wellness Resources.


I am taking Hyaluronic Acid and Black Currant Oil for joint inflammation and am experiencing much less pain and improved flexibility. These products are great!

Doing Great With Squalene

I love Wellness Resources® Squalene! It has been very helpful for my skin. I love it!

Thyroid Improvement

I have struggled with low thyroid and swelling of the thyroid gland. Looking for nutritional support, I started taking the Leptin Control Pack® and Iosol Iodine. 6 months later and my thyroid levels were much improved and the swelling went down!

Purest Supplements Available!

A friend told me I needed to use Wellness Resources® supplements because they are the purest I will ever find. I did my research and she was right. I now take CoEnzyme Q10, Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Cardio Helper™ and Coral Calcium. I feel just great on these products!
--Geri B.

Cannot Believe the Difference

I struggle with general pain and fatigue issues. I was recommended Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Immune Plus™, Daily Balancer™, Muscle Mag™, Calcium AEP and Hyaluronic Acid. My health has greatly improved and I have more energy and am in much less pain. My family cannot believe the difference in me since I started using these supplements. They are all now using Wellness Resources® supplements. I don’t know what I would do or where my health would be without this support!
--Bonnie J.

Feeling Awesome using Leptin Control Pack®

I absolutely love Wellness Resources Leptin Control Pack®! I feel so good taking these products I am afraid to be without!
--Katherine S.

Great Results with Colloidal Silver

My wife is doing very well with Wellness Resources® Colloidal Silver. It has done wonders for her!

Energy Improved

I have been using Thyroid Helper® and have noticed such a great improvement in my energy level and my T3 (activated thyroid hormone) levels have improved. I really like this product!

Only Wellness Resources® Products for Me

I used to purchase from other companies, but your products are so great and everyone is so nice and helpful that I now only buy from you. Thank you.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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