Success Stories

My Cardio Helper™

I am doing really well with Wellness Resources® Cardio Helper™! My circulation has improved since taking it and I feel better all around. I LOVE this product!
-- Sharon

Feeling Great on the Rejuvenation Pack

I have had chronic neck pain since 1984 and started using the Wellness Resources® Rejuvenation Pack. I have done great. I love this product. My neck feels so much better! Even my husband has noticed the improvement.

I Love Byron's Books

The books Mastering Leptin and Fight for Your Health are the most empowering, practical and profound tools I have found to date -- and I have been collecting tools for a long time, believe me! Thank you!! My first born child will be Byron if it is a boy and Mary if it is a girl! Just kidding….kind of!

Calcium AEP Great for Nerves

I have suffered from neuropathy in my feet with them feeling numb, stiff and painful. I started taking Calcium AEP and two days later I could bend my feet, my circulation is better and pain is greatly reduced! I am surprised and thrilled! I take 3 Calcium AEP twice a day. This is huge for me to go from feet feeling frost bitten to more like normal feet with circulation and less pain! I also take 3 Hyaluronic Acid at night and now sleep much better.

A Testimonial

I'm 27 and started working as a writer here at Wellness Resources 2 months ago. I have a fascination with the science of nutrition but haven't always made the wisest dietary choices. When I started I had brittle nails, low energy and really vicious, moody menstrual cycles. As I began to learn about the supplements through the WR team and through reading Byron's articles and getting advice directly from Mary, I wanted to test out the products on myself and started taking Strengthener Plus, Female Plus, Tri-Cal, Hyaluronic Acid and Daily Protein. I'm a musician and end up really burning my candle at both ends with late nights playing and early mornings working. My stamina is so improved I don't even recognize the fuzzy headed girl I was. My cycles have mellowed out to the point that I don't even need to take ibuprofen to relax the cramping. I also tend to be a klutz and I've noticed that I don't bruise if I graze a table with my hip or knock my elbow on a door frame. It's so exciting and reassuring to see these results! Could you guys make a supplement for klutziness though? I'd like to stop stubbing my toes.

Soaking in the vast pool of knowledge,


Thank You!

For the last 8 years I have struggled with weight gain, slow weight loss when I was able to lose weight and just not feeling right. Test after test came back with results showing that my thyroid was functioning normal and my doctors attributed my issuess it to stress. Something in the back of my mind said that stress, while present, wasn't the issue; something else was going on.

I had read multiple articles about sneaky thyroid issues and displayed every classic symptom; dry skin, thinning hair, mentally fuzzy, but the one the scared me most was the persistent soreness in my muscles. It was getting so bad that I would have difficulty exercising more than two days in a row and would be exhausted after exercising. While most people spoke of how exercise invigorated them, I would sit down in a chair and fall asleep immediately after. It was the best sleeping pill I had. Within the last three years the symptoms had gotten much worse. I couldn't stay focused at work, my muscles ached even if I hadn't exercised. My Doctor again ordered a vast set of tests and again we got the same results - the thyroid was functioning normally. He wasn't sure what to do.

Approximately three weeks ago I felt so miserable that I decided it was time to take action. I had to find my own solution - no one else was. I began research on the internet and found your web site. I took the Thyroid Quiz and it showed that my thyroid function was at a 10. I was stunned! I didn't expect a result that low. I immediately ordered the Thyroid Energy Package. What did I have to lose; well other than the weight and a few really nasty symptoms?

The product arrived and for the first three days I took it with little noticeable improvement. I thought it was just another one of the many products I had tried that gives big promises and not much result. What a difference a day four was the turning point. I had energy, I my muscle aches were gone and I was actually clear headed!

Within the first 7 days of starting to use the product I have regained my energy, my muscles now hurt only because I worked out at the gym, and lost 5 lbs. The biggest change I noticed was my mental clarity. I no longer feel like I am in a constant fog. Even my doctor noticed a difference when I saw him a few days ago.

I started the product because I wanted to loose weight. I'll stay with the product because of all the other benefits. The weight loss is now the secondary benefit.

Thank you so much for having such a high quality product and understanding that test results don't always show the true picture. I firmly believe that your products have saved my life.

-- Deb B.

I Mastered Leptin

I started taking LeptiSlim™ and Thyroid Helper® 6 weeks ago and have lost a lot of weight! I have taken medication since 1960 for hypothyroidism and lost and gained thousands of pounds. For the past 10 years I have struggled with neuropathy. I am not a diabetic and they haven't been able to find out what caused my neuropathy. I have had two bad falls and walked with a cane and relied on pain relievers daily. I also struggled with sleeping at night.

Well, now for the wonderful news.... Since I started taking LeptiSlim™ and Thyroid Helper® I started sleeping at night without the sharp pains shooting through my feet and the cramps in my legs. I no longer rely on a over the counter pain reliever and I thank God with every breath I take that I found your website and dared to try these two products and read Mastering Leptin®!

I am a walking advertisment here in Pasadena and in Houston where I work. My co-workers were amazed at how much weight I had lost is less than a month! My body has been out of balance about all of my life, so much so that I couldn't remember what it felt like to feel good.

The one thing I am encouraging everyone to do is to buy the book Mastering Leptin®, for I truly feel it is the guide to staying healthy. Please pass my message and sincere thanks on to the authors -- Byron J. Richards and Mary Guignon Richards.

Forever Grateful,

Betty M.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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