Success Stories

Awesome Article

Byron -
I wanted to say that your article on the Top 10 Nutrients of 2009 is just awesome! What a valuable resource for all of us. Thanks for all you do and have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.
-- Brian R.

Everyone is Healthy

I just wanted to share with you that Wellness Resources came highly recommended by my mother. Our whole family takes your Daily and Immune supplements. My husband and I have two sets of twins. None of us have been sick since taking your supplements! Wellness Resources has been a Godsend! We also love your e-Newsletter! Thank you!
-- Sarah L.


Thank you for finally explaining the many problems that I have seen these past 30 years in practice and in my life! Mastering Leptin is the best physiological explanation!
-- Martin G.

Thank You for Your Guidance

A huge thank you to your wonderful Wellness Specialists for all their help and guidance!
-- Laurie S.

Excellent Writings

Kudos to Byron J. Richards for all his fine information and reports. I especially enjoyed reading his Fight for Your Health book and articles found in his e-Newsletter are great!
-- Robert C.

Losing Weight

I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight in one month after starting Thyroid Helper™. I am 80 years old and was exercising, eating well, and still not losing weight. Thyroid Helper is great!
-- Anita J.

Love Larry Leptin!

I love your new Larry Leptin video! I especially enjoyed the line, "Nothing rhymes with exercise". The Larry Leptin videos are not only informative, they're clever, witty, fun and imaginative!
-- Sue

Forever Grateful

I started taking LeptiSlim™ and Thyroid Helper® 6 weeks ago and have lost 20 lbs! I have taken medication since 1960 for hypothyroidism and lost and gained thousands of pounds. For the past 10 years I have struggled with neuropathy. I have had two bad falls and now walk with a cane and take 6-topamax (25mg) a day and was taking 800mg Motrin for pain and most of the time I still was unable to sleep at night. I am not a diabetic and they haven't been able to find out what caused my neuropathy.

Well, now for the wonderful news.... Since I started taking LeptiSlim™ and Thyroid Helper® I started sleeping at night without the sharp pains shooting through my feet and the cramps in my legs. I no longer take the Motrin and I Thank God with every breath I take that I found your website and dared to try these two products and get the book.

I am a walking advertisment here in Pasadena, in Houston where I work and my daughter and niece in N.C. say they are going to order from you. My co-workers were amazed at how much I lost is less than a month. My body has been out of balance about all of my life, so much so that I couldn't remember what it felt like to feel GOOD.

The one thing I am encouraging everyone to do is to order the book Mastering Leptin®, for I truly feel it is the guide to staying healthy. Please pass my message and sincere thanks on to the Authors.

Forever Grateful,
Betty M.

Amazing Cardiovascular Results

Five weeks ago I went in to my doctor for a regular health check-up. Both my cholesterol and blood pressure were within healthy ranges, however my triglycerides were an astounding 461. I started taking Stress Helper®, which includes the nutrients Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Pantethine -- both aiding in the metabolism of fat. By taking between 4 and 6 capsules per day and exercising more, five weeks later my tricyglerides are down to 184! Amazing!
-- Michael C.

Amazing Iron Supplement

I wanted to thank everyone at Wellness Resources for your supplement, Blood Builder™. It is a great product! I have always had problems with low blood count and anemia due to female problems. My doctors wanted me on a daily iron supplement. However, all the iron supplements I tried always made me sick. Not Blood Builder™. It has been a life saver for me! At my last doctor appointment, they did lab work. My doctor said that she did not know what I was doing but to continue doing it. My blood count was better than it has ever been. Thank you so much!
--Sandra F.

Weight Loss & Energy with Iosol Iodine

I have been on Wellness Resources' Iosol Iodine for 3 weeks. I am about 10-15 pounds over ideal body weight, but have dropped several pounds and lost belly fat since I began taking the Iosol Iodine! I feel more wide awake and energetic in morning hours as well. I started with 1 drop and am now up to 4 daily.
--Gaye K.

Very Pleased

I am very pleased with the products I have received from Wellness Resources, as well as the information provided on your website. I can definitely feel a difference between your Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ compared to multiple vitamins at my local grocery store. Thanks for all that you do for health freedom as well.
--Jason L.

Awesome Product

I LOVE Thyroid Helper™! I have suffered from low energy for decades and this is the only supplement that helps. Thank you so much!

Shedding Fat, Gaining Muscle

I was overweight two months ago when I started on The Leptin Diet® and following the Five Rules. I am now within my ideal body weight! I don't think a shred of it is muscle mass loss, because my strength is actually climbing. I am smaller in the midsection and much more defined. Pretty cool stuff!

Doing So Well

I wanted to thank your very knowledgeable and helpful Wellness Specialists. I am feeling so much better since I have started the Wellness Program they designed for me. I sleep through the night since taking Thyroid Helper™, Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin and Iosol Iodine. We are also working on my nerve health.
With love,
Janice P.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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