Success Stories

Balanced Again

I had been feeling very tired and depressed with major female hormonal issues. My symptoms included headaches, insomnia, depression and mood swings. I started with the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin, Coenzyme Q10, Female Plus and Preventor Plus. I now feel great! All of my symptoms have completely gone away and I am working again! I never could have done it without Wellness Resources.
Thank you,
--Kelly S.

Blood Builder is an Amazing Product

I have an extremely sensitive stomach. I started on the Blood Builder, but because of my sensitivities, was only taking 1-2 capsules every other day. When I went to my next doctor’s appointment, my doctor said that my labs were astonishing. I have been working with him for years and have only experienced minor improvements. I told him what form of iron was in the Blood Builder, iron bisglycinate.
--Terry H

So Glad to have Found You

I am so glad to have found Wellness Resources; there is no place like it. Great supplements, wonderful people, amazing results.
--Beverly P

The Real Health Expert

I had a consultation with Byron about 2 ½ months ago because I had been struggling with cardiovascular concerns, bone health and brittle nails. Byron provided a lot of information about what was going on and what I could do nutritionally to support my health. He built a Wellness Program for me and I started following it immediately that day. I went back to my doctor for a pre-scheduled follow up, where they ran all my labs again. I am extremely happy to report that all were within healthy ranges! Byron is definitely the real health expert!
--Jan V.

Restored GI Health

I wanted to let you know that you have our doctors at Mayo Clinic stumped. Our daughter has GI health issues and it had gotten so bad that we went to a specialist at Mayo Clinic. They weren’t able to provide much information, let alone a way to get her system back on track. A family member recommended Wellness Resources, and we got her on a program. A few months later we went back to Mayo Clinic for a follow-up visit. She had such dramatic improvement, her doctors were shocked. They told us whatever we’re doing is working and to keep doing it. Our daughter is getting her health back! Thank you.
Paul A

Amazing Weight Loss

I have had amazing results with The The Leptin Diet ! I have lost a substantial amount of weight following The Five Rules. I am thrilled!

Great Results with the Leptin Control Pack®

I had been taking theLeptin Control Pack® for only 2 ½ weeks when I went in to my doctor for some lab work. It had been previously abnormal and I was seeking natural options to normalize them. My lab results came back with HUGE improvements! My thyroid function and blood pressure are both getting better. I am ecstatic and am referring everyone to your website. All of my friends have been commenting on how great I look. My hair is growing back in and I have more energy and am more alert. My mood has changed; I am having fun again and not feeling depressed at all! I have been seeing a naturopath for years, spending a fortune, with no results. Wellness Resources products have provided wonderful results. I will be a lifelong customer!
-- Claudia B.

Energy & Weight Loss

I am 68 years old and have been on thyroid medications for 25 years. My low energy and stagnant weight led me to seek out natural options for improvement. I found Wellness Resources and purchased Thyroid Helper™. I have been taking it every day, and now I have so much more energy and have lost weight for the first time! The Thyroid Helper™ has given me so much pep! I love your products!
--Sarah W.

My Husband Loves JointAll™

JointAll™ has been working wonderfully for my husband. Since he’s been taking it, I haven’t heard a single complaint about his knees, where they had bothered him on a daily basis.
-- Joanne P.

Fast, Reliable Service

I am so impressed with your company. Every time I place and order - I receive it in the mail within 3 days! I was low on my product and forgot to order, I ordered and 3 days later it was in my mailbox. Thank you for your wonderful service. It was packed perfectly and such a speedy delivery. It is a pleasure doing business with your company and I certainly will continue because of the fantastic service I have received.
Thanks again,
Diana K.

I Don’t Shop Anywhere Else

First and foremost I have to tell you that I don't shop ANYWHERE else....not my grocery store, or a health food store. Byron Richards is my reliable and trusted source for any and all supplements. I have been taking Leptinal® and Pantethine for blood pressure and cholesterol support. When I spot checked my blood pressure, my numbers were in the normal range. I'm actually looking forward to my yearly checkup!
-- Renee P.

Super Impressed

I just had to write and tell you how grateful I am for your wonderful supplements! I received my order today and took everything immediately. I purchased the Thyroid Energy Package and LeptiSlim®. Less than 30 minutes later, the mental fog I've had for years is GONE! Wow! Not to mention, my husky voice is also GONE, and my energy has been fabulous all day. Not jittery, no highs and lows, just sustained energy that feels so natural. I've missed my life, and I am so happy to have found your products. If I can feel this much better in one day, I can hardly wait to see what the cumulative effects will be as I continue this regimen. God bless you all for everything you do to help people like me who have given up on drugs and want to feel good naturally. I am SO impressed!
-- Judith B.

Very Impressed with Iosol Iodine

I have been taking Wellness Resources Iosol Iodine and just couldn’t believe the immediate difference in energy I felt after taking it only 3 days! I feel so good. I recommended it to my friend and she’s is taking it and feeling great, too! Thank you.
-- Alden B.

Excellent Bone Support

I have always insisted with my doctor, on naturally supporting my bone density with supplements and exercise. I just wanted to let you know that my bone density was actually better this time and I attribute it to your Daily Bone Xcel™ that I NEVER forget to take and my improved diet. Thank you!
-- Debbie

Sleeping Soundly

I wanted to thank you for recommending the RelaxaMag™ for sleep! I have actually slept in until 6:00am for the past 5 nights since I started taking it!!! I usually wake up at 3:00am or 4:00am and can’t go back to sleep. I feel so much better now! THANKS again!
Marge M.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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