Success Stories

The Best Prenatal Vitamins

I ordered the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ for my pregnant daughter. She loves them and has since ordered her own supply.
-- Christine

Thyroid Helper has Changed My Life

I absolutely love the Thyroid Helper®; it has changed my life, I feel so much better, and not as tired. I feel great!
-- Donna S.

Must Read Health Articles

Nobody ever has or ever will say it better. All members of Congress ought to be required to read your articles.
Thank you, Sir, for your noble effort. Should there be such a place as heaven, therein shall you receive your reward.
-- Warren W.

Wonderful Podcasts and Information

I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful podcasts and informative website. I have learned so much. You are a great teacher. Thanks so much for your dedication.
-- Marla D.

Great Health Articles

Hi Byron, I love your article about Bob Greene and Oprah.... I think you've said what many others think but don't have the courage to do.
-- Cari C.

Wellness Resources® Cardiovascular Supplements Make a Big Difference

My husband has been able to avoid statin medications with PoliBlue™. Since taking it his cholesterol has already dropped 20 points! I have also had great success with my blood sugar levels with the Cinnamon Plus™!
-- Mary V.


Yahoo! I went to my doctor today and found out that I’m out of the Osteopenia range! Byron, Mary and the Wellness Resources team have offered so much help and guidance – they really care. Everyday I take Daily Bone Xcel™, Daily Builder™, Coral Calcium and Bone Helper™. I’m so happy I’m doing the right things, and that at 65 you can improve bone density without drugs.
-- B.H.

Love Your Website

I just wanted to thank you for your website. It has a lot of really great information.
-- Mary

I Love Your Multiple

I really believe in these supplements. I definitely have more energy when taking the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™.
-- Carlyn J.

No More Sugar Cravings!

Leptislim® has really helped with sugar cravings, it is remarkable, I can't believe it! Also, my dog is diabetic and doing well on Cinnamon Plus™! Thank you.
-- Gayle E.

Great Multiple Vitamin

I take Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ and can definitely tell when I’m out. I tell people all the time, if you take supplements for a while and you quit and you can’t tell the difference, you’re definitely wasting your money. Your supplements really make a difference!
-- Tim L.

PoliBlue Great for Cholesterol

When drugs gave horrible side effects and diet wasn’t enough, PoliBlue™ lowered my husband’s cholesterol. It is amazing, thank you!
-- Ann E.

Great Cardiovascular Support Products

I take the LeptiCardio Pack™ for cardiovascular support and wanted to thank you. It is a great addition to your already wonderful line.
-- Jane H.

Normalized Thyroid Function

A few years ago my blood test showed my thyroid needed help, so the doctor put me on a low dose of thyroid medication. Later I found your website with natural products and all the wonderful information. I bought the Thyroid Helper® and according to my latest blood test my thyroid tested normal! Yes, I am impressed! Thank you.
-- Karen W.

Great Natural Thyroid Help

I have been on prescription medication for my thyroid for 16 years. I wanted to get off prescription drugs and try something natural. Working with my doctor, I went off the prescription medication and started taking Thyroid Helper®. After three months I went back to my doctor for blood work for my thyroid. I took my bottle with me. He looked at the ingredients and said, "Well, you know that these aren't hurting you, but I can't tell you that they are doing you any good". Well, when he called me several days later, he told me that my thyroid results showed that my thyroid was completely normal, and to continue doing what I was doing! I can't tell you how excited I was!!! What a blessing your Thyroid Helper is to me. Natural thyroid function and no nasty drugs. Thank you for your wonderful product.
-- Cheryl T.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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