Success Stories

Sleeping Soundly!

Sleep Helper™ -- I Love this New Product! I have long struggled with falling asleep at night. Unable to clear my mind from the day and the day ahead, I often lie awake in bed 2 or more hours. I have been taking 2 Sleep Helper™ 30 minutes before bed for a few weeks now and am finally able to fall asleep! I have waited so long for something that really works! Not only do I fall asleep quickly, but I actually stay asleep all night. What a relief!
-- Larissa K.

Thank you for Sleep Helper™!

I am currently a college student and have suffered from sleep problems since high school. I have exhausted so many options to help me sleep, including natural remedies, yet nothing has worked for me. It has gotten to the point where some nights I only get 3-4 hours of sleep.
I found out about Wellness Resources Sleep Helper™ from my mom, tried it and the first night had such improved sleep! It has been almost a week since I have been taking it and already I am getting a much better night’s sleep that is uninterrupted and more restful. In fact, the other night I slept for almost 10 hours! I keep Sleep Helper™ by my bed so that if I do happen to wake up in the middle of the night, I just take 2 more. Then, I am back to sleep within 30 minutes for the rest of the night.
It's helped me better communicate during the day as I'm not walking around tired all of the time. I even found that taking it during day helps to relax my mind. I don't dwell on stressors and other worrisome things and am able to concentrate on my studies even more.
Thank you much Wellness Resources for Sleep Helper™! It has changed my life.
-- Jon R.

Feeling Wonderful!

My chronic pain and fatigue has been non-existent since starting Wellness Resources supplements! I am feeling wonderful for the first time in what felt like forever! The Immune Plus™, Daily Balancer™, Muscle Mag™ and Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ have been life-savers!
-- Staci B.

Excellent Classes

Thank you so much for posting your classes online! I just listened to Byron's class -- Mastering Weight Loss: Adrenals and Stress. What an EXCELLENT class! It was packed with so many helpful pieces of information! I just ordered the Super Coenzyme B-Complex™, Pantethine and PhosphatidylSerine. I can't wait to start feeling better!
-- Pamela N.

Fascinating Book!

The Leptin Diet was a thoroughly engaging, fascinating book. The discovery of this new information about leptin that could be used in the war on fat is immensely intriguing and exciting! Richards delved into the world of hormones, with leptin being the next new hormone on the horizon of weight loss and optimal eating, where timing is everything. I am eager to get started on The Leptin Diet® program!
It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
--Monica L.

Owner's Manual to Health!

The Leptin Diet book can literally be branded: The Owners Manual to Healthy Nourishment Consumption for the Human Body! Byron Richards introduced me to the hormone leptin and discussed the metabolic processes of the body in laymen's terms. I easily understood what I need to do to help my body to function properly and lose the weight that I’ve always wanted to. I really appreciated that he also explained it physiologically, so that I also understood why it makes sense. I’m so glad to finally have answers to the questions I’ve had my whole life about weight loss!
--Daphanie R.

Client of 23 Years!

23 years ago I went to Mayo Clinic for heavy metal toxicity and digestive issues. The doctors at Mayo told me there were no treatment options, as the poisoning was so severe. My doctor basically told me to go home and wait to die; I felt hopeless. Thankfully, I found Wellness Resources®. Byron's personal consultations, classes and radio shows provided me with so much knowledge and understanding - something world-renowned Mayo Clinic was unable to do. I began a Wellness Program the first day and have continued on it ever since. 23 years later I am 60 years old and in the best health of my life. I wouldn't be here without you guys! Thank you!
-- Mary D.

Amazed by Iosol Iodine

I want to thank you for the Iosol Iodine. The day I received my order I took one drop in the morning and another one drop in the evening. I was utterly amazed! I felt really good and I went to bed with warm feet for the first time in years. My daughter is taking the Iosol Iodine as well and has had the same great results! Thank you again!
-- Lois H.

Great Company!

I love your company! The products are wonderful, the customer service is great and the quick shipping is unbeatable! Thank you!
-- Dory S.

Bone Success

One year ago I had a bone scan and was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I opted not to take any bone drugs, and instead began taking Daily Bone Xcel™ and Bone Helper™ at 6 capsules per day of each. One year later my bone scan showed that I am no longer in the range for osteoporosis. I not only stopped bone loss, but actually reversed it! I am ecstatic! Thank you!
-- Joan L.

How The Leptin Diet Worked for Me

Okay, so I always thought that I had nutrition figured out, but that I was just too lazy to actually make it happen - make and eat 5 meals a day EVERYDAY. I'm so glad I read this book. It actually explains and makes sense why a 5 meal a day plan won't work in the long run and thank God, I only have time for 3 meals! I had never heard of the hormone leptin and don't have a science background, so it was really nice that the author used analogies to better explain the science. That really helped it all come together for me. Best part - no food exclusions! I can eat the foods I've eaten my whole life following the 5 Rules!
I also have had chronic neck and shoulder pain for a few years now. I've been to chiropractors, gotten massages, bought expensive pillows and heating pads, all to no relief. The explanation on the fasting between meals and at night made me think maybe my pain was from lymph congestion from eating at night and not muscular. 4 days of not eating after dinner cleared it up! Thank you, thank you!
-- Payton N.

A Book for a Diet that Works!

I love this book! After reading it cover to cover I thought, finally a health and diet book that not only makes sense, but isn't a typical unrealistic "diet"! I really appreciated the authors explaining the science behind the concepts so that I can actually understand what my body is thinking and reacting in order to manage my weight and health. There are actually over 800 references. I borrowed the book to my mother and interestingly, one of the first things she asked was where the recipes and grocery lists were. I told her that is exactly what makes the book so great. I think we've all done more than one diet that cleaned out our fridge and cupboards of the foods we've eaten our whole lives, only to quit the diet within 2 weeks, throw the "diet" food away and then re-buy our food. This book taught me how to incorporate my favorite foods into a healthy lifestyle - with timing of meals being most important. Both my mom and I have lost weight and feel better!
-- Leighton R.

Something That Actually Works!

I had been feeling poorly for 6 weeks when I decided to research my symptoms online and thankfully found your website! After doing some research and reading Byron's articles, I realized I probably had an underactive thyroid and purchased the Thyroid Energy Package. The results were immediate – within a few days and extraordinarily wonderful (back to full energy after 1 week!), so I decided to purchase Mr. Richards' book, The Leptin Diet Book, and have had the same extraordinary results! This book was all about me (and thousands of others, I suppose), who have yo-yo dieted and plateaued with only 20 lbs to go! I am 5'3" and stuck at 155 lbs, until a few days ago. Thanks so much for such an informative website, but most of all for the common-sense, practical, back-to-the-basics, sage advice of Byron Richards! It was the most pleasant surprise to find something that actually works!!
-- Rosemarie C.

Simply, Thanks!

You have helped me tremendously, as well as my husband. I wanted you to know just how grateful I am. Thank you!
-- Ruth H.

I Love Your Podcast & Health Classes!

I wanted to tell you how much I truly enjoy your products. They have helped me tremendously. Your products, hands down, are the best! I also love the new Podcasts and classes -- they are very informative. Thank you!
-- Lisa G.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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