Success Stories

So Glad I Found Monolaurin

I am so glad I found Monolaurin! It was recommended for my fever blisters and since using it they are completely gone! I have also found that it has given me more energy as well as improved my overall health! Thank you for the 50% off special, I now buy 12 bottles at a time.
-- Jo K.

Thyroid Energy Package Success!

It's when I was feeling miserable, around September of 2007, that found out I had a thyroid problem. My head was foggy and I couldn't think straight. I was upset because I was gaining a lot of weight. I stumbled upon your website and ordered the Thyroid Energy Package. I'm feeling a lot better now. I have more energy and my head doesn't feel foggy- I'm able to think things out. I'm also able to walk without being sore and stiff. Thanks!
-- Kelly B.

Feeling the Best I Have in Years

I am happy to report that the Thyroid Helper® has made me feel better than I have in years. No more muscle aches and joint pain. Thank you!
-- Linda H.

36 lbs. Lost with The Leptin Diet®

By understanding the principles of weight management, I have become more and more successful with weight management. I have lost a substantial amount of weight since February! YAHOO!
-- Pam E.

Improved Blood Sugar with Cinnamon Plus™

Cinnamon Plus™ has really helped my blood sugar! I am diabetic and on an insulin pump. I was recommended Cinnamon Plus™ by a Wellness Specialist and started taking 2 per day. I have been taking it for the last 3 months and my blood sugar has dramatically improved!
--Barbara K.

Cardiovascular Success

Five weeks ago I went in to my doctor for a regular health check-up. Both my cholesterol and blood pressure were within healthy ranges, however my triglycerides were on the higher end. For cardiovascular support, I started taking Stress Helper®, which includes the nutrients Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Pantethine -- both aiding in the metabolism of fat. By taking between 4 and 6 capsules per day and exercising more, five weeks later my tricyglerides were within a healthy range! Amazing!
-- Michael C.

68 and Feeling Great!

I have high blood pressure and I had been gaining weight due to stress. Wanting to explore natural health options, I had a consultation with Byron. He tailored a Wellness Program specific to my needs. I read The Leptin Diet book and followed his 5 Rules. I lost a lot of weight plus 18 inches. I now am happy and healthy at 68! Wellness Resources is a true blessing, thank you!
-- Bonnie

Weight Loss for Good!

At 245 pounds I was unhappy and constantly told by my doctors that I was obese and on a path to disease, having just been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. I knew I needed change. That’s when I heard about Byron Richards’ Weight Loss classes at Wellness Resources®. I admit I was skeptical at first, but with nothing to lose, I went anyway. The Leptin Diet® made so much sense. The Wellness Resources team wasn’t worried about what they’d sell me, but what was going to work for me. My personalized Wellness Program was a healthy lifestyle – incorporating healthy eating, physical activity and high-quality supplements specific to my needs. Currently, I've dropped a considerable amount of weight and have gained a wealth of knowledge. Thank you for pulling it all together for me and providing me with the resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
-- Lance

Feeling Better Than Ever

40 years ago was hit, run over and dragged by a snow mobile. I suffered liver lacerations, all of the ribs on my left side were broken and I had a collapsed lung. I endured 8 hours of surgery. Throughout those years I suffered from chronic of pain. Last fall it got really bad -- to the point where I began using a cane and needed assistance getting up and out of bed. That’s when I found Wellness Resources® supplements. They customized a Wellness Program specific to my needs. Almost immediately I began feeling better. One day I realized I was doing activities I hadn’t done in years, and I was feeling great doing them! I now work two jobs 16 hour days and still have energy when I get home! Thank you so much for the health and healing!
-- Sissy J.

A Lot of Weight Lost on The Leptin Diet®

I started following the 5 Rules of The Leptin Diet® in September of 2004. Since then I have lost an incredible amoung of weight! I had tried many diets before discovering The Leptin Diet®. My body is a machine and Wellness Resources® has helped me understand how it works as well as care for it. Every cell in my body thanks you!
-- Pauline B.

Daily Protein™

When my husband was receiving chemotherapy, the only thing that he could eat was the Daily Protein™. It was literally the only nutrition he received because he couldn't keep anything down. He believes that it may have saved his life.

- Bonnie H.

Cinnamon Plus™ Working Wonderfully!

I have been taking 2 capsules of Cinnamon Plus™ a day for the last 3 months and it has really helped normalize my blood sugar -- a dramatic improvement!
--Barb K.

I Noticed a Difference Right Away!

I am very happy to report that the products are working wonderfully for me. I started taking the Leptin Control Pack® and right away and noticed increased energy the next day. My appetite is lessened and it is very easy to go 5 hours between meals.
The Oregano Oil is immensely helpful for my allergies. I usually take nettle leaf in capsule form every summer for allergy symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes, but I always feel stuffy in the morning. The Oregano Oil has really taken care of the stuffiness. It has been a dramatic difference for me. Thank you for all your help!
--Cecelia C.

No More Dry Eyes

I was dealing with extremely dry eyes, using drops every day and still they felt like “sandpaper”. I began taking 3 DHA every day and within a week my eyes were feeling wonderful. I forget to use the drops and can see more clearly!
--Mary R.

I Love Your New Product, Chlorella!

I have been dealing with summer environmental allergies with sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. I started with three capsules of Chlorella twice per day and within 48 hours my symptoms were at least 80% gone! I have continued at 6 capsules per day and my symptoms are virtually gone! I am thrilled with the product!
--Samantha K.

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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