Success Stories

The Weight is Gone for Good!

I started The Leptin Diet® after being diagnosed with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). My doctor discussed the option of a liver transplant. I knew there must be some other way. Since starting The Leptin Diet® in March 2008, I have lost a lot of weight and all my liver tests are now normal -- no chronic liver disease! My weight, blood tests and liver tests are all within normal ranges. Rave Reviews!
--Pam E.

Can't Beat the Quality

I know a lot about this stuff and you can’t beat Wellness Resource® when it comes to quality!
-- Michael

Breathing Easy

My husband is 61 years old and has had congestion problems his whole life. He started taking Wellness Resources® Oregano Oil and the congestion cleared up! He can breathe normally for the fist time! It’s absolutely amazing!

Thank You

I really appreciate you guys. Just knowing that everything I take from you is safe and high quality, is such a blessing.

Thank You for Posting Byron's Health Classes Online!

Thank you so much for providing the fibromyalgia health class, online. I have struggled since 1986 with this chronic condition, and just as Mr. Richards says, back then doctors simply told me to take a vacation or change jobs or find a husband who would take care of me. Even when I went to Cleveland and Mayo clinics, they basically told me the same thing. At that time there was no name for it, but when I returned home very frustrated I was fortunate to find a female doctor who had treated some women with similar symptoms and suspected that I needed to see a rheumatologist. That's when I finally was told what I had and that it clearly was not all in my head. Nevertheless, over the years there seems to have been very little progress in helping people with this condition. The main thing they still offer is drugs--which is really nothing more than a temporary band-aid -- and sometimes a band-aid with unpleasant side effects. Mr. Richards' explanation of the causes and the manifestations of this condition, the reasons why I have no energy, etc. make more sense and describe my problems far more accurately than anything else I have read. Just something as simple as a cold front coming into our area can make me miserable, and I have never heard anyone until I listened to him acknowledge that there is a good reason for my body's reaction. Once again, many thanks for making this available on the website.
-- Kathleen


Congratulations on your quality and affordability ranking by NaturalNews. Your position is the sweet spot for me. Hope all is well.

Mike Adams from Natural News Recommends Wellness Resources®

Wellness Resources, at the opposite end of the spectrum, offers extremely high-quality, high-potency multivitamins. I've openly recommended Wellness Resources formulations for many years. They are among the very highest quality in the industry, and they're made with veggie caps, not gelatin.
--Mike Adams, Natural News

Head and Shoulders Above Anything Else

I am so happy to have found your company. Your products are head and shoulders above anyone else!
--Stefanie T.

Exquisite Supplements

"Your company is exquisite! Your service and products are unsurpassed! Thank you so much for these high quality product, I have tried many products in the past and nothing comes close to you what you have."

Clear and Concise

I just started listening to Byron’s radio show a couple weeks ago. He is so wonderful with clear, concise and comprehensive information. I am so grateful that he is bringing out things like chemical sensitivity and pollution in the environment as a truly holistic approach for health and healing, and the many, many common ailments and deficiencies we are experiencing that can be helped. Byron is wonderful, to the point, common sense communicator for these issues. Thank you!

Health Improved!

Since using Wellness Resources® products my health has shown so much improvement! My thyroid is functioning much better and my blood pressure has normalized!

Superb Products

I would just like to let Wellness Resources® know that I love the quality of your supplements, and I should know as I work in a health food store with access to lots of nutritional products. I have tried many other products but nothing compares to the superb quality of your products.

This is What Really Works

I wish health insurance would pay for these wonderful products because this is what really works. I am 74 years old and since I started using Wellness Resources® natural supplements, I feel so much better and am not on any medications. I would much rather pay more for natural support which makes me feel better than take the drugs my insurance pays for. Thank you Wellness Resources!

We Did it Naturally!

My wife and I were not in very good health a year and a half ago before I heard Byron on WCCO radio and decided to come see him and get started on a nutritional program. I cannot believe how much better we are and in less than a year! We are both off our medications and cholesterol and blood pressure is right where it should be and we did it naturally! Thank you Byron and Wellness Resources®.
--Elmer and Eleanore

Healing Well

I had a total hip replacement and am having a great recovery using my Wellness Resources® supplements! Even my doctors mentioned how well I am healing. I am using the Hyaluronic Acid, Repair Plus™ and Chondroitin Plus, among other supplements!

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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