Success Stories

Healthy Cholesterol

To encourage cholesterol in the healthy range, I started taking Pantethine and Daily Super E™. ! Thank you Wellness Resources®!

Improved Memory with PhosphatidylSerine

The PhosphatidylSerine has really improved my memory. I'm in front of clients all the time and I'm finding that I can recall names and details easier. It's been really helpful, thank you.

Thyroid Helper™ Works!

I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with the Thyroid Helper™! I'm very sensitive to supplements and I usually don't do well with them and this product sounded too good to be true. Well, after one week I'm feeling more energy and my head is clearer and it's continuing to improve. Now I'm ready to try other supplements with your company because I'm convinced that your products really live up to their promise.

Breathing Easy

It's gotten to the point where I'm able to completely stave off my breathing difficulties with Wellness Resources® Oregano Oil and Quercetin!

Thank You for all the Resources

I really love your website. You have a lot of really great information on Fibromyalgia and I really appreciate it.

ER Doctor Loves Wellness Resources® Supplements!

I am an emergency room doctor and needed something for focus, stress and energy. I started taking Wellness Resources® Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Super Coenzyme B Complex, Stress Helper and PhosphatidylSerine. Your products have been a blessing in my line of work! I have more energy and better focus on my job. My wife likes me better too because I am not so crabby when I get home!
Thank You, Wellness Resources!
--Dr. Mike

Relief from the GI & Muscle Helper™

I have gastrointestinal health issues and had tried everything, yet nothing provided relief. The GI & Muscle Helper™ is the only thing that has ever helped me!
-- Kasey L.

Improved Thyroid Function!

“I finally got my thyroid situation under control! Now my levels are normal and I’m feeling good. Of all the things I’ve ever done (to stay healthy) this one actually worked.”

Skin Rejuvenated

My husband and I came in a couple of months ago and you should have seen his legs! He was actually bleeding, the skin was so bad! He has been to doctors and dermatologists but nothing ever made a difference. We came here and you helped us and we even got to speak to Byron, who recommended the rejuvenation supplements for my husband. His skin is better than it’s been in a decade! It’s like a miracle!

LeptiSlim® Really Works!

I have been blown away by how effective the LeptiSlim® is at curbing my sugar cravings! At first it was helpful in managing my cravings for sweets but now I’m not even experiencing the cravings! If you ever need someone to tell your customers how well this works – tell them you know a lady who swears by it! It really does what it claims to do; it’s amazing!

My Cat is Thriving Because of GI Soother­­™

Three years ago my cat was super, super skinny and was throwing up all of her food. We took her to the vet and he gave her some pills but nothing worked. We were afraid that we’d have to put the cat to sleep. Then I thought about the GI Soother­­™ that I taken and I started giving it to my cat. It is three years later and she’s thriving! She’s gained weight, she’s much more perky and she doesn’t throw up anymore. It’s a miracle!

Healthy Cholesterol

I’m very appreciative of the help I’ve received from Wellness Resources to keep my cholesterol in a healthy range. In fact, I noticed a huge difference in my energy level within days of taking Pantethine. It is wonderful to have access to your information and such fine quality products.
-- Jan

Faster Recovery

I recently had reconstructive knee surgery. I emerged feeling well and healthy! My doctors have been very surprised that a woman in my age (late 60’s) is healing so quickly and recovering so well! I am taking Hyaluronic Acid, Repair Plus, Skin Rejuvenator, Chondroitin Plus and Squalene, along with my Immune supplements and Dailies. My light pink scar is so faded that you can barely see it. I am extremely happy! Thank you for always being there for me. It’s rare to find that level of caring in any business!
-- Jeri H.

Feeling Alive Again

Although I was a bit skeptical that supplements could really help me, I decided to try some out. I ordered Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, Stress Helper™ and Super Coenzyme B Complex and was amazed at how much better I began to feel. Over the next month my energy level and mood greatly improved. I felt alive again!
-- RJ

My Weight Loss Success

I was on weight watchers for 3 months and had virtually no success. Being very depressed I decided to make an appointment with my doctor to discuss this matter. After going over my health history he informed me that I would never be able to lose weight. I have diabetes as well as high cholesterol in my family. He felt that I had a leptin problem. His only advice to me was to go in for gastric banding.
The best thing that I got out of that appointment was to hear the word leptin. I went home to research it and that was where I found your website. In 3 weeks I have lost a considerable amount of weight all of which was in the lower stomach area. For the first time in years I have a waist! I can not tell you how excited I am. I learned so much from The Leptin Diet book as well. Thank you for the wonderful weight and leptin support products!

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**These are real client stories communicated to Wellness Resources; they were not solicited. While Wellness Resources hears many success stories on a regular basis, please understand that results may vary.



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